Our Mission

Connecting a vibrant and inspiring arts and culture community in Dubuque.

and Artists

Join a community of individuals and organizations who are ready to support, promote, and connect with you.

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Venues and

Join a group of organizations that are ready to connect and foster a creative community culture in Dubuque.

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shine Together
Our Vision

Enrich and connect our city and it’s people through creative shared experiences.

Dubuque, Iowa
Our Path

Work started in 2015 with a focus on better defining the arts and culture community in Dubuque.

Over a period of months in 2015, hundreds of community members came together to share their thoughts, dreams, and ideas.

Since then conversations have taken place to lay the groundwork for a Master Plan that has provided the path to bring it AllTogether.

The 4 Goals that connect us.

Dubuque Arts
and Culture.

Create and support communications and support channels that tell the story of local creatives and
art-forward organizations.

Goal 1

to do more.

Create the frameworks and financial opportunities to support and empower individuals and organizations to develop the cultural sector.

Goal 2


Create a deeper appreciation for arts and culture in the Dubuque community. Nurture creatives of all skill and income levels with learning opportunities and networks to connect with others.

Goal 3


Create a welcoming and inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds and interests. Connect leaders from the arts and other sectors to strengthen cultural visibility.

Goal 4